Officiator: We are here as reasoning, thinking, adults to witness the confirmation of the atheism of this woman.
There are no circles, candles, incense or any trapping of religious ceremony on this solemn, skeptical occasion.
If you're likely to be offended, you might as well leave now, and never talk to this woman again about deities, crystals,
tarot, or anything similar. And, if at the end of the ceremony you feel you haven't been fully offended... see me later.

Officiator: (Candidate's name), please stand up in front of these witnesses, and greet them

Candidate:: "Hello everybody!"

Officiator: What is it you wish to confirm here, publicly, today?

Candidate: That I believe all religions are tosh, nonsense, fairy tales, and tarradiddle.

Officiator: And the name of your anti-deity sponsor who will stand by you, support you, aid and abet you - on this special day?

Candidate: (gives anti-sponsor's name).

Officiator: And do you, (anti-sponsor's name), have anything to give to (candidate's name) on this, the occasion of her/his anti-confirmation?

Anti-Sponsor: Yes, I have this small token to remind her/him of the declaration s/he is making today.

Officiator: What name do you take as your anti-confirmation choice?

Candidate: (states chosen name).

Officiator: And what is your creed?

Candidate: Given that my adult belief is that all deities, spirits, elementals, deamons, loa and similar do not exist outside of the human imagination - people should just be NICE to each other, and enjoy life. This is not a dress rehersal.

Officiator: Do you fully recognise that atheism is properly philosophically defined as your lack of belief in a deity - not
your positive belief that all religions are drivel?

Candidate: Yes, but that's a bit dull. I believe they're all crud.

Officiator: As evidence of this lack of belief now listen to these names, and declare your opinion of their existence:

the deity known variously as `God', `Yahweh', `Jehovah', `Allah', 'Sweet Jesus' and all other pseudonyms thereof.

the deities Cthulu, Yog Sottoth, Shub Niggrath and all of Lovecraft's other unpronouncable beasties.

the deities of: Egypt: Ra, Isis, Osiris, Anubis and the rest of the incestuous horde.

the deities of Sumer and Babylon: Ishtar, Enki, Enlil, Tiamat and all the others whose names should have been forgotten long ago.

the deities of the Greek and Roman empires - Diana, Zeus, Pan and the rest of the bacchanalian mob.

the deities of India and it's environs - Kali, Brahman, Krishna and the others whose names we've all heard but aren't quite sure who they are.

the deities of the Far Eastern lands - Amaterasu, Kwan-Yin, Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti, O-Wata-Tsumi, P'an-T'ao and all the others with silly hyphenated names.

the deities of the Celtic world - Badb, Epona, Dagda, Cerridwen and all the ones with names that nobody can pronounce correctly.

the deities of Europe - Thor, Loki, Figg, Perun and all the others that put the da da da daaaaaaaa dah! into Wagner.

the deities of North and South America, Arctic and Antarctica - Sedna, Quetzcoatl, Wendigos, Baron Samadhi and the rest of the dead chicken brigade.

the deities of Oceania & Australasia: bunyips, Tu, Maui, the rainbow serpent, Djangawaal sisters and others a bit obscure for most Europeans.

the deities of Africa - Dxui, Juok Bumba, Kalumba and all the other creator God/esses.

Officiator. Um, I'm sure I've missed a few. somebody help me..
have your witnesses in the audience primed to shout out a few suggestions and see if it catches on,

(your Anti-Sponsor can say at any point "Stay strong", "you can do it", "are you SURE?", etc to support the Candidate)

when name suggestions stop continue with,

Officiator: Any deity or spirit wherever, whoever and by whatever name.

Candidate has answered variously throughout the Officiator's names, and the Witnesses suggestions: cobblers, tripe, balderdash, nonsense, archetype from the realm of myth, crap, drivel, shite, nope, imaginary friend, doesn't exist, etc.

Officiator: Do you swear that you will try to stay true to this lack of belief and faith - no matter how drunk you get, how hungover, maudlin or miserable - no matter how pretty the sunset or sunrise?

Candidate: Yes

Officiator: Will you try to stay true to these vows, grit you teeth, and hold onto your atheism no matter how scary the short-cut you've just taken, how seedy the club you've walked into, how fast the car is going, or what stupid mess you've gotten into?

Candidate: Yes.

Officiator: Do you promise to try and stop swearing by the names on non-existent creations of the human condition. Yes. This does include "Oh Gawd".

Candidate: I'll try.

Officiator: Then take these boots (or chosen item) - symbol of standing on your own two feet - and go forth to be a figure of anti-superstition, skepticism, rationality, and disbelief in the eyes of the world. Know that your anti-deity sponsor, and these witnesses here gathered, will remind you of these declarations at every given opportunity - if they feel you are backsliding - or if it seems like a good laugh.
Now then - enough of this - everyone - GET THEE HENCE TO THE BAR!!!

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